Legal notices

This website is not affiliated with OVHcloud.

This website is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied.

Hosting provider : SAS OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Personal data

This website is taking data privacy seriously and will not share your personal data with third parties. Refusing data collection will prevent you from using the service.
You can ask for the access, correction or deletion of your personal data by asking through the following email address.
If you think this website is violating your rights, you can submit a compaint to the CNIL on

Connection and navigation data :

This website is collecting connection and navigation data from users : connection date and hour, ip address, terminal, browser and operating system.
They are not intended to be stored in a permanent way on server side or used for any other purpose than providing access to this website and its services
Sometimes, they may be stored inside log files on the server when the website is accessed, for debugging or logging purpose (mainly along with a stacktrace when an error occurs), kept for a maximum time of 24 months.

API tokens :

This website is collecting data identifying the user on the OVHcloud API, also known as API tokens.
These tokens are not intended to be stored in a permanent way on server side or used for any other purpose than to build this website interface.
They are stored inside an encrypted temporary session file (feature provided by the Laravel framework), kept for a maximum time of 91 days.
Sometimes, they may also be stored inside log files on the server when the website is accessed, for debugging or logging purpose (mainly along with a stacktrace when an error occurs), kept for a maximum time of 24 months.

Personal data retreived from the OVHcloud API

Some personal informations retreived from the OVHcloud API are collected and used to build this website interface.
They are not intended to be stored in a permanent way on server side or used for any other purpose than to build this website interface.
Although, sometimes, they may be stored inside log files on the server when the website is accessed, for debugging or logging purpose (mainly along with a stacktrace when an error occurs), kept for a maximum time of 24 months.


This website is using cookies only for technical purpose (to keep user connected while using the website and storing eventual preferences on this website).
No third party cookie is used (and no cookie related to ads, analytics nor social networks).

Source code

Source code of this app is available on GitHub
The source code is licensed under the MIT license.

PCC Manager - Legal notices - Not affiliated with OVHcloud - Source code available on GitHub